I was never that
excited about creating my very own blog. It took me a long time to be
convinced. What is this really all about?
What is Blog?
Blog is short
for weblog. A weblog is a journal (or newsletter) that is frequently updated
and intended for general public consumption. Blogs generally represent the
personality of the author or the Web site.
Having said that,
its no wonder that I am no big fan of blog. First of all I am a very private
person. I don't want the public to know my whereabouts. Second, I am just too
lazy to make any statements (unless its worth sharing). Third, I don't have the
time. Fourth, I am really not a techie person... so what am I doing making
my very own weblog? and why bother? Simple, It's all just for fun, of
course. And I'd like you to join me to explore new places, learn new things,
and share different views. Besides, its one of the things up on my list to
do or experience before I die. Now that I have the opportunity to do so,
I'm going to make it worthwhile.
Hahahaha... ang gulo noh?but... what the heck, right? I've got nothing
to lose. :-)
So there's my
introduction. I now welcome myself to the world of blog. (applause..)
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